Results found for tenth amendment | Eastern North Carolina Now

128 Results found for tenth amendment

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On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
On November 6, an amendment to the North Carolina constitution requiring voters to present a photo identification for voting in person (the "Voter ID" amendment) passed with 55 percent support.
The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the idea that you can become a citizen of a country simply by being born there.
The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the idea that you can become a citizen of a country simply by being born there.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Lately, a lot of emotion has been spent over Confederate monuments in the Tar Heel state.
In 1791, Thomas Jefferson wrote an opinion on the constitutionality of a National Bank. It is an important commentary on the meaning and intent of the US Constitution, in particular the two general clauses - the General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause.
In 1791, Thomas Jefferson wrote an opinion on the constitutionality of a National Bank. It is an important commentary on the meaning and intent of the US Constitution, in particular the two general clauses - the General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause.
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
We've all heard of the case of the Christian cake artist who declined to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his deeply-held belief in the Biblical view of marriage.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them.
He may be a flawed individual, but he is the RIGHT kind of individual for government. He is an unashamed, unapologetic, and undetered interposer against federal tyranny.
He may be a flawed individual, but he is the RIGHT kind of individual for government. He is an unashamed, unapologetic, and undetered interposer against federal tyranny.
Each unconstitutional act usurps the powers delegated or reserved to the People and the States. Nature's Law supersedes man's law. Every failure to resist the tyranny posed by an unconstitutional act tightens the noose around freedom's neck.
Each unconstitutional act usurps the powers delegated or reserved to the People and the States. Nature's Law supersedes man's law. Every failure to resist the tyranny posed by an unconstitutional act tightens the noose around freedom's neck.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
Federalism is the key design feature of our government system here in the United States, as established by the US Constitution, and therefore is something everyone should understand.
Federalism is the key design feature of our government system here in the United States, as established by the US Constitution, and therefore is something everyone should understand.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
In Honor of the 230th Anniversary of the US Constitution, and also to help promote Brion McClanahan's latest book, HOW ALEXANDER HAMILTON SCREWED UP AMERICA, I wanted to post this important History Lesson.
The question is: Was the Civil War fought over the issue of Slavery?
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
A few ideas on how we can bring back Constitutional government and put out the dumpster fire in Washington.
A few ideas on how we can bring back Constitutional government and put out the dumpster fire in Washington.
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
The United States has grown far too large to still be considered a "republican form of government" as guaranteed under Article IV. The question is this: How do we get this form of self-government back?
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
To those who are serious about preventing the federal government from coming after our Second Amendment rights, please read and take note.....
Jefferson Davis' worse fears came true. The big government of Abraham Lincoln, the greatest tyrant our country has ever known, has co-opted and crafted the "great lie" of why our country fought the Civil War.
Jefferson Davis' worse fears came true. The big government of Abraham Lincoln, the greatest tyrant our country has ever known, has co-opted and crafted the "great lie" of why our country fought the Civil War.
Gov. Pat McCrory is firing back at the US DOJ for their ridiculous demands to drop gender restrictions on bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.
Gov. Pat McCrory is firing back at the US DOJ for their ridiculous demands to drop gender restrictions on bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.
The Tenth Amendment Center reports Mississippi's gun rights protection bill and explains the doctrines that underlie it.
Paul Craig Roberts takes a look at the document that holds the states in a Union and questions whether the legal bonds still exist.
Paul Craig Roberts takes a look at the document that holds the states in a Union and questions whether the legal bonds still exist.
If there is an Article V convention, we will lose the Constitution we have, and another Constitution will be imposed.
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
The ENC Tea Party announces their upcoming events for this year.
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
Obama intends to ignore the second amendment. The states must stand up to him and the government and protect the people in their essential right to have and bear arms.
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
This is a resolution to propose that Article I, Section 4 be removed from the NC state constitution, in part to acknowledge that the federal government unconstitutionally required the provision and in part to reassert state soverignty
This is a resolution to propose that Article I, Section 4 be removed from the NC state constitution, in part to acknowledge that the federal government unconstitutionally required the provision and in part to reassert state soverignty
During the Tea Party era, the Tenth Amendment to The US Constitution has been getting some much needed attention.
During the Tea Party era, the Tenth Amendment to The US Constitution has been getting some much needed attention.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
Not too long ago, Gov. Pat McCrory and Speaker Tim Moore were telling us they could see no real need for a religious freedom restoration act.
Not too long ago, Gov. Pat McCrory and Speaker Tim Moore were telling us they could see no real need for a religious freedom restoration act.
The federal government is steadily becoming more antagonistic and repugnant to the People.
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